Re: Image/text errors in text area

  •  10-12-2012, 12:40 PM

    Re: Image/text errors in text area

    Hi, Jeff 


    I don't have a test url as the editor is only in our dev enviroment. I can share my screen of our dev enviroment through if someone from support would do that.


    Point 1: Cleared the croswer cach but still has same effect. I'm using SiteRelative paths, here's an example of the img src:




    When I drag and drop the same image into the text editor I get:


     /Web/Resources/Image/ALFALogoWhite.jpg and it shows up.


    Point 2: yes, the text file was opened on the server side.


    Any ideas on point 3 from my original post? 


    Update ofr point 3: the dialog for insert hyperlink is not missing but it is trying to open defualt.aspx instead of tag_a.ascx. This is happening for many of my dialogs...

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