Re: Zoom factor - store / set?

  •  04-11-2013, 10:47 PM

    Re: Zoom factor - store / set?

    Thanks for that Ken.

    That handles the Get part.

    Is there a way to set the initial zoom view when the editor loads?


    I thought it might just be a matter of editing the plugin.zoomvalue in the same plugin.xml but that does not seem to do anything:





    If I change that to 125 it still loads at 100%

    Similarly editing the text attribute of the label does not do anything, it shows 125% but the text is still shown at 100%

    <label jsml-local="label" dock="fill" vertical_align="middle" horizontal_align="center" width="30" padding="0,2,0,-2" margin="0,0,0,4" text="125%" cursor="pointer" />


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