Remember Last Folder Opened

  •  04-11-2014, 10:41 AM

    Remember Last Folder Opened

    Using RTE 8.1: Is there a way to have it remember the last folder opened (file selector, image selector, document selector)... such that when the user opens the dialog, it is opened with the folder selected/opened the last time that dialog was opened?


    If this is not currently supported, then I would like to request this as a new feature to be added. It would be a very good user experience feature to deliver, particularly in scenarios where users are selecting many files | documents | images in sequence. As it currently is, the user must repeatedly drill down to whatever folder contains their documents | images of interest.


    Having RTE "remember" last folder only per session would be sufficient. Having some API whereby we could programmatically get and set the last folder openedd or particular folder to open [per dialog] would be ideal. That would let us persist the selection between sessions.



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