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  • Re: CuteEditor - Serializable and Using Repeater List

    Figures that not long after I ask the question, I get it working. &nbsp; If you are placing an editor on the page in a repeater list you can have a hard time finding the control on the page to get the data out. &nbsp; To do that here is what you do, &nbsp; Since you have a list of repeater items to go through you will need to use a for ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Drone on August 6, 2004
  • CuteEditor - Serializable and Using Repeater List

    Is cuteeditor serializable? &nbsp; If not has anyone used the control within a repeater list? &nbsp; I have the control in a repeater list, building editing pages dynamically from a DB to allow multiple editors in one page, with varying levels of editing enabled. The problem I am having, is since the controls are being added dynamically to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Drone on August 6, 2004