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Hello am new to .aspx and dont reli know anything about it. I have workedwith PHP and HTML but thats it. I also know a lil bit about MySQL.
Can somebody please tell me where I am going wrong and if my hosting will allow me to run this very sexy piece of software.
I have a MySQL database. & when i try to upload the SQL file in ...
Still not able to uplaod an image. I have deleted the existing /uploads folder from just below the root directory on the Earthlink server. On the original uploads folder on my local machine, I gave the following permissions to the IUSR_LOCALMACHINE account:
Read & Execute
List Folder ...
Any idea on when this feature gets implemented? Even better - if you could abstract the template directory out like you do with the image uploads (i.e., deriving from the FileStorage class, which by the way, works GREAT) so that I can funnel templates from my database. This would allow my clients to be able to upload ...
I have your control installed on our hosted site and am having a problem with larger files. I was originally using the UploadType=''Auto'' but had to change it to UploadType=''IFrame'' due to a number of browser incompatibility issues. This site is SSL only and with various broswers I was getting file interupted and not being able to ...
I've download your demo and I run it on .Net 1.1 environment
I choose the multiple file (Google like) (http://localhost/Demo/multiple-files-upload.aspx)
I upload 2 files (WORK VERY WELL).
When I wanted to remove 1 file (MAKE A POSTBACK).
And all my other Upload is cleared
I'm interested to your ...
<CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments InsertText=''Upload '' runat=''server'' ManualStartUpload=''true''
ID=''Attachments1'' MultipleFilesUpload=''true'' OnAttachmentRemoveClicked=''Attachments1_AttachmentDelete''>
above control is inside the div tag, when the uploadfinished, the div tag gets disappears. ...
Hi, we have a .aspx page with a form, where people should select ZIP file and some images - see the attached screenshot. Once they specify files and click upload button, we: 1. validate file extensions2. upload files to the server3. modify image files (shrink large images)4. when upload is finished, we open .aspx page, where user can put ...
Please check the following files:
I think it will need many work to add it to your own dialog.
Hi bix,
You are using a trial license file for some reasons.
Please find the license file we sent to you upon purchase, and upload it to your server. If you are unable to find the license file, email us ( [email protected] or [email protected] ) and specify the email address used for purchasing in your response.
Hi mhpeters, In the upload handler file, you need to create the uploader instance too. Please refer to ''phpuploader\ajaxuploaderhandler.php'', ''ajax-attachments-handler.php'' and ''ajax-multiplefiles-handler.php'' $uploader=new PhpUploader(); Regards, Ken
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