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  • Re: SetMouseEvents()

    No, but I&#160;added it and that works.&#160; Thanks for the quick response! The documentation makes it look like this is a method for the object.&#160; Is it supposed to be there? Thanks again!
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mpsUser on May 13, 2005
  • SetMouseEvents()

    I'm adding a custom button to the toolbar; but SetMouseEvents() causes a compile&#160;error (''member does not exist in the class or namespace'').&#160; I've looked at the document and a couple of examples and it looks correct to me.&#160; I've posted my code below.&#160; Let me know what I'm doing ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mpsUser on May 12, 2005
  • AutoConfiguration

    I'm trying to set the AutoConfiguration property to ''None'' in the codebehind (C#).&#160; However I cannot seem to find the AutoConfiguration Enum.&#160; Can someone post the setting?&#160;&#160; Thanks.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mpsUser on May 10, 2005