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  • Re: width for editor

    ok that work but can not use ''TemplateItemList'' i have to use ''Template:'''''' &#160;but when i enter ''InsertImage'' it only gives me a ''break line'' here is my code.&#160;Template=''bold, Italic, Underline, JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyRight, FontDropDown, SizeDropDown, ForeColor, ImageGalleryByBrowsing, InsertImage, break, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rickfourt on May 13, 2005
  • Re: width for editor

    ok thank you, &#160;but it looks like im having a bigger problem.hehe&#160;i dont have any simple.config or any other config files for the cute editor,maby im one version short.. but it says Cuteeditor V3.0 in designmode of;thank you for fast answer./Rick
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rickfourt on May 13, 2005
  • width for editor

    hi there&#160;im new to this and not so good programmer&#160;and&#160;im having trouble to make my editors width smaller then 400. the autoconfigure is set to ''simple'' and the row of icons makes it lager then the textfield.&#160;is there a file that i can set where the icons/buttons should brake,?&#160;Thank you/rick
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rickfourt on May 12, 2005