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  • Re: Integrating info

    Hi Adam, I found the document that you referred to, but all the guides seem to be written for integrating with IBuySpy, DotNetNuke etc, which I am not using.&nbsp; As I am writing in I took a look at the guide for Integrating with DotNetNuke 3.0, but obviously because I am not integrating with DotNetNuke I have no reference to ...
    Posted to FAQ (Forum) by gp_330 on August 19, 2005
  • Integrating info

    I am sure that this is a question that you guys get all the time, but I wanted to know how flexible the Cute Chat applications database structure is.&nbsp; The thing is that I have a MSSQL database setup for another one of my sites, and I see that the table names for the user logins and such are a little different to how I have layed mine ...
    Posted to FAQ (Forum) by gp_330 on August 18, 2005