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  • Downloadable Files Folder Navigation

    When I try to insert a link to a Downloadable File (using CuteEditor/Dialogs/InsertDocument.aspx)&nbsp;and I try to navigate up or down the folder tree, I get the following error if Firefox:&nbsp; ''The connection was reset''.&nbsp; In IE I don't get an error but it will not navigate and will put 'null' in the URL box.&nbsp; I have this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by stevens1973 on December 10, 2010
  • Downloadable Files Folder Navigation

    When I try to insert a link to a Downloadable File (using CuteEditor/Dialogs/InsertDocument.aspx)&nbsp;and I try to navigate up or down the folder tree, I get the following error if Firefox:&nbsp; ''The connection was reset''.&nbsp; In IE I don't get an error but it will not navigate and will put 'null' in the URL box.&nbsp; I have this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by stevens1973 on December 10, 2010