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  • Re: New to CMS - need help

    Perhaps I got it wrong assuming that CuteEditor is a CMS.&nbsp; Further reading is telling me that it is not.&nbsp; It is a WYSIWYG that will create html code from rich text.&nbsp;My question then is this. &nbsp; Is there C# code samples on how to do the following?&nbsp;1) Capture the generated HTML code so that it can saved on the DB.2) Pass the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by babonik on August 16, 2012
  • New to CMS - need help

    Hello,&nbsp;I've been developing in ASP.Net (web apps with SQL integration) for several years but the concept of CMS is new to me. &nbsp; I followed the guide and got CuteEditor installed on me web application project but I'm stuck.&nbsp; Are there any code samples out there to show how to use/integrate CuteEditor to an existing site?&nbsp; The ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by babonik on August 15, 2012