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  • Re: Infragistics Ultrawebgrid 2005v3 Not working with CE

    i am developing a email client for my application. i'm using a webgrid to show a list of emails. and i want to us ce to show the email body. if i place a webgrid and ce in aspx page i get a javascript error and page postback dosen't fire. but the webgrid and CE work fine. i think it has to do with javascript files that came with webgrid and CE. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by veiling3 on April 13, 2006
  • Infragistics Ultrawebgrid 2005v3 Not working with CE

    hi, i'm using ce v5.2 with infragistics toolset. when i use the ce with webgrid i get a js error saying:Object dosen't support this&nbsp;property or method. and postback event dosen't fire for any of my buttons. this happens only with webgrid. i don't have any problem with other infragistics controls. what's going on??? &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by veiling3 on April 11, 2006