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  • Re: Problem with latest version in Firefox

    Hi Ken, &nbsp; Kenneth: Can you try the uploader on a normal page not in the iframe? Does it work? the iframe point to the same domain? &nbsp; The uploader works on a normal page.&nbsp; The iframe points to the same domain. &nbsp; &nbsp; Kenneth:&nbsp; Do you get the same error on ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by vso777 on November 20, 2013
  • Problem with latest version in Firefox

    &nbsp;Hi all, &nbsp; we&#39;ve updated to the latest&nbsp;CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.dll which fixed the IE 11 issues. After that there is an error on start in Firefox 25. It says: &nbsp; Error when initialize uploader :&nbsp;Ox19a.getComputedStyle(...) is null &nbsp; I found another post on your forums with the same problem in FF but it ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by vso777 on November 19, 2013