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  • Re: feature request...

    Adam,Thanks. Having thought a bit more about my request, I would like to refine it somewhat. I think it will be easier, in fact.What we really need is for the ''Text'' button on the bottom to just show a blank textarea instead, that is exposed via the API to the buttons. That way, the content of the ''Text'' textarea would be filled via code from ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by KenSchwartz on July 11, 2006
  • feature request...

    hi,i was wondering if any thought has been given to fourth button along the bottom, after ''Normal'', ''HTML'', and ''Preview'', that would be ''Text'', which would display a text-only version (i.e. stripped of all HTML and css tags).or, if there is already a way to add such a button, could someone fill me in on the details?thanks much,ken
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by KenSchwartz on July 10, 2006
  • custom buttons question

    hi,i have a few questions concerning adding custom buttons to the tool there a way to have the mouse-over effect that is on the other buttons (the orange-ish background) apply to custom buttons? the lack of unified appearance makes these buttons stand out.when placing the custom buttons via the editor.CustomAddons, is there a way to have ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by KenSchwartz on July 3, 2006