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  • Multiple web sites, same service

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hello, &nbsp; Your program works great, I think i might need a little guidance on this issue though. We have the live support installed on one web site (a), in the Virtual Directory. We now have another site (b)&nbsp;that we want to use site (a) live support, so that they both use the same service. I created a new VD inside of ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by seanb on September 25, 2006
  • Question: Departments and IP

    Hello again. &nbsp;I notice that before connecting to the operator, there is a ''department'' option. But I see no option in the operator client software.&nbsp; We need the department option to send our customers to the right spot. &nbsp; Also, when trying to conenct as Operator, it allows me to use the IP, but not the name. example I can ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by seanb on August 3, 2006
  • Re: Invalid postback or callback argument

    Thank you. I have it up and going. Hopefully the client will like it and might&nbsp;purchase the enterprise license soon. :)
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by seanb on August 3, 2006
  • Re: Invalid postback or callback argument

    ''True'' didnt work, but False did, and that will be good for the time being. Another error. It allowed me to add the user so then I logged in the Operator Client and got the error ''You are using a trial license and the trial has expired.'' &nbsp; I downloaded it yesterday, installed today. &nbsp; &nbsp; ????????????
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by seanb on August 3, 2006
  • Invalid postback or callback argument

    We have installed the software on our webserver and on the sql server and we have registered a username on the site. We then logged in as admin and tried to set this user as an operator. When we click the ''search'' button, the following error occurs..Invalid postback or callback argument. &nbsp;Event validation is enabled using &lt;pages ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by seanb on August 3, 2006
  • Trouble installing Live support demo

    Hello, &nbsp;Maybe you can help me. I need this to work to present to the client to base our decision for purchase. &nbsp; Problem: &nbsp;&nbsp; I'm trying to test it out, but im getting the following error when trying to connect to the live support operator ''Unhandled exception had occurred in a component in your application. ...The request ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by seanb on August 2, 2006