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  • Re: Problem with WEB site root path...

    Thanks - that fixed it.&nbsp; I knew it had to be somewhere! &nbsp; I've recommended to DBNetSuite ( that they go ahead and build in support for Cute-editor as their HTML editor for&nbsp;when building a CMS. The two work really well together, especially if you are a bit new to ASP.NET. &nbsp; Brilliant package - expect an ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Korgman on July 14, 2007
  • Problem with WEB site root path...

    Hi I've installed cuteeditor in conjunction with DBNetSuite ( and it works great. &nbsp; However, when I come to try and edit images, I get an error, because cuteditor is trying to locate the images on the path to cuteeditor, NOT in the actual WEB site root path. &nbsp; Is there a variable you can set to tell cuteditor ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Korgman on July 14, 2007
  • Cutesoft CODE examples/documentation?

    I would like to use Cutesoft, but the download seems lacking in examples. &nbsp; I downloaded the CHM file, but again it is pretty tricky to work out how to configure anything more than a basic editor, as there&nbsp;are virtually no code examples. &nbsp; Are there any CODE examples available, or documentation? Pity if not, 'cos it looks ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Korgman on July 7, 2007