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  • UserControl with CuteEditor

    Hi, &nbsp; I am doing a user control that has a CuteEditor control in it... I've implemented my control with all the properties, methods and events I think are more interesant for use and configure my UserControl and the CuteEditor. &nbsp; I only have one ''little'' problem... when I want to catch the Save button event, I have to set the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Mitico on March 3, 2008
  • Adding custom buttons

    Hi! &nbsp; I've&nbsp;just added a custom button that opens a dialog... it's work perfectly but i need to use it in all the pages I use the editor... &nbsp; If I add the button in .config files, it is shown but it doesn't have associated code... where&nbsp;can I place it? There is a method? &nbsp; Sorry for my English, I know it's no very ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Mitico on February 8, 2008