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  • License key invalid

    I've implemented the new lic file on the webserver On this server is a virtual directory called Literatuurwijk, so The chat application should work on this virtual directory but even with the new lic file I get the error ''The license for CuteChat is not valid or evaluation copy has ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by MarcelJansens on April 22, 2005
  • Problem with pop-up window

    When i try to use the button ''InsertTable'' a new window opens with the error: ''The name 'GetString' does not exist in the class or namespace 'ASP.insert_table_aspx'.'' &nbsp; I've got a dutch browser version. The Cute Editor works fine and I can Save HTML to the Database ( SQL ). The error appears in the new windows only. &nbsp; All the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MarcelJansens on September 30, 2004