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  • Allow Multiple Selection not working

    Hello CuteSoft. &nbsp; I have a question about ListBox and the option Allow Multiple Selection. &nbsp; When I check this checkbox Allow Multiple Selection, the HTML code multiple is added to the listbox HTML-code. But it sticks to another attribute, for example size=''8'' so the result is multiplesize=''8'' This results in that the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by GetupdatedAddcms on April 22, 2008
  • Delete selected text crossing over several cells in table

    Hello CuteSoft. &nbsp; Thanks for the fast reply on my last topic. I have not answered back yet but I will. Now I have another question. &nbsp; If I have made a table with two cells. And I have written text in both cells. If I select all content in the first and the second cell by marking the two texts. And then press 'Delete' on the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by GetupdatedAddcms on April 22, 2008
  • Validate email address in forms.

    Hello, &nbsp; Is there a way to validate the email address written in a form. Let us say I have a textbox field in a form where the customers can write down their email address. Can I validate this field so that the customer can not send the form until there is a valid email-address written into this form? &nbsp; Best ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by GetupdatedAddcms on March 14, 2008