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  • Re: Using Fusion Charts Free in editor

    Just to let you know, I found the issue with Firefox.&nbsp; The html gets put in with the embed tag ending with /&gt; but for some reason in firefox the /&gt; was getting converted to &gt;, therefore no ''end tag'' for the embed. So I replace the /&gt; with &gt; myself and add a &lt;/embed&gt; before the html is put into cute editor.&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by acyssfx on August 19, 2008
  • Re: Using Fusion Charts Free in editor

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; Yes, I just saw that and I put it in and it has stopped the &amp; from changing to &amp;amp;&nbsp; But still the charts are not showing. For the project I am doing I have an extra button to show a preview (including uploaded css/images/templates) and the chart now shows fine (I generate a html page which is shown inside a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by acyssfx on August 14, 2008
  • Re: Using Fusion Charts Free in editor

    Hi again, &nbsp; I have spotted the issue why firefox is not showing the charts.&nbsp; When I paste (or even go to HTML view and change) the html for the chat, cute editor in firefox converts all the &amp; to &amp;amp;&nbsp; While this seem correct, it breaks the chat.&nbsp; IE leaves all the &amp; as they are. &nbsp; I will have a look ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by acyssfx on August 14, 2008
  • Re: Using Fusion Charts Free in editor

    I gave up trying to get the name of the xml, I am going to split up the xml data edit and the chart setup into 2 different dialogs. I was going to add a div around the chart and try and get the parent element of the selected control (ie the div) and have the xml name as part of the div.&nbsp; But I couldn't be bothered. &nbsp; As for the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by acyssfx on August 13, 2008
  • Using Fusion Charts Free in editor

    I am playing with a Fusion Chart ( object in the editor.&nbsp; I have added a new toolbar button, show the dialogue box using editor.ShowDialog()&nbsp; (I would like a list of all parameters for this function). The dialog opens, I do my thing on the page and the chart is added to the editor on the save. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by acyssfx on August 13, 2008