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  • Re: Events for Image Uploads

    Cheers &nbsp; Yeah I can strip out the img urls fairly easily and then do a comparison against the images known to be related to that bit of html and update as appropriate.&nbsp; Its not quite as eligant as I was hoping but it should do the job. &nbsp; Thanks for your help &nbsp; Chris
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MrTall on January 15, 2004
  • Events for Image Uploads

    At the moment I'm playing with intergrating CuteEditor into a Portal Site I've written.&nbsp; The site tracks all images and flash uploads in&nbsp;a database to allow housekeeping of the files when the HTML they are associated with is deleted. &nbsp; Is there anyway with CuteEditor to catch the file uploads so I can keep the database ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MrTall on January 8, 2004