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  • multiple editors: find out which one is active/focused

    Hi there, &nbsp; how can I find out which editor on the page is active / has the focus and how can I put it into an event? &nbsp; So if you have multiple editors on one page, I need something like &nbsp; alert(''editor 1 active'') when editor1 is focused. &nbsp; Background: &nbsp; I seperated the toolbar from the editor and put it to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by bjbmedia on September 1, 2009
  • editable regions in uneditable templates?

    Hi, I figured out how to make some elements uneditable and unselectable in an editable&nbsp;template - but I would need the opposite thing: to make the whole template uneditable and only some parts of it editable, something like: &nbsp; &lt;div id=''wrapper'' UNSELECTABLE=''ON'' contenteditable=''false''&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; lots of ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by bjbmedia on August 31, 2009