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  • Re: Adding HTML to the file upload list

    Thanks.&nbsp; This appears to generally be what I am looking for.&nbsp; However, it does not appear that ClientData is valid in the class AttachmentItemEventArgs, because when I put the method UploadAttachments1_AttachmentAdded(object sender, AttachmentItemEventArgs args) in the code behind, ClientData is not available in the list of methods &amp; ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by dminds on October 22, 2009
  • Adding HTML to the file upload list

    Is there a way to add HTML to the table that is generated that contains the list of filenames of files to be generated?&nbsp; Specifically, I'd like to add a column to the table that contains a textbox&nbsp; (html input tags) for each row...that I can manipulate in the code behind.&nbsp; &nbsp;I looked through the documentation and forums but ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by dminds on October 21, 2009