
You searched for the word(s): upload
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  • CuteEditor for .NET file upload to different folders depending on the logged in user

    We have a website that a user signs into their account to administrate their page. The account has their own sub-domain URL (ie:   We want to add CuteEditor for .NET but need it to be able to upload files to a different folder depending on the user. Since their sub-domains are all unique this would be the best way ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bcedergren on May 28, 2009
  • Re: Image Upload Function Does not Work

    The issue was being caused by a policy in my hardware firewall.  Apparently there is some kind of ZIP file being passed in order to do the upload.  Once I removed the block the upload/browse dialogue worked.  Please consider this issue CLOSED.  Thanks.   I would like to know why a ZIP file is necessary in the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Chaplain Doug on April 24, 2009
  • Upload Image/Text Path setting problem with CuteEditor!!

    I was working on Image and Text upload settings. I have set ''security:ImageGalleryPath'' to some external directory path not in the root directory. It is not working. Now it's throwing ''System.Exception: Unable to translate physical path''. I have contacted live support but they were not able to solve the problem. They said that the upload ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kitsolutions-dev on April 2, 2009
  • Upload to YouTube?

     The site I am working is already using this Ajax Uploader for image uploads. However I have been asked to develop a system where the users to be able to upload videos.  These videos will be stored and run from YouTube.  For those that have not worked with the YouTube API before, in a netshell it works like this. After some ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Dobly on March 25, 2009
  • Split up of file upload process

    Hi I wanted to split up file upload in to 2 parts. 1. It should display all the selected files in the grid 2. On clicking of Upload button it should upload files to the server. I have set ManualStartUpload property to true , which helps me in attaining point no 1. What shall i do to attain point no 2. On clicking of a button which function ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by [email protected] on February 16, 2009
  • Re: File-upload doesn't work in IE7 if Flash10a.ocx is activated (Framework 1.x VB)

    Peter,   If the client machine supports silverlight,  Ajax Uploader will use silverlight solution.   If the client machine supports flash,  Ajax Uploader will use flash solution.   If the client machine doesn't support flash or silverlight, the select multiple files feature will not be avaialble. However the muliple ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Adam on January 19, 2009
  • how to add required field validator to upload button

    hi I need to add compulsory required field validation to file upload control . so that form should be submitted when the user has uploaded some file.   in simple words, if i have 4 fields in my form along wth the uploader component, while filling the form i want that user must select some file using upload button. else it should ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by ssjal on January 5, 2009
  • Problem with image upload

    I tried to upload an image file (.jpg) using the CE image upload   The error msg is as followed: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0005) Invalid procedure call or argument /editor2/CuteEditor_Files/include_upload.asp   I have added in <%@LANGUAGE=''VBSCRIPT'' CODEPAGE=''1252''%> on the top of filePost.asp I am using CE ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by aspuser on March 19, 2007
  • Forbidden Message on Image Upload Page

    I'm sure I'm just missing something, but I get the ''Forbidden, you don't have permission to access this page!'' message when trying to open the upload page.  I created another page with the control on it in an admin sub directory to faciliate allowing uploads by authorized users only.  Eventually I will password protect this page.  ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by JoeWinder on January 7, 2007
  • Absolute URL for Image Upload need to be different

    Hi,   In our project we will need to make a seperate server as Image Upload Server. But if I use Cute Edtor Image Upload Insert feature the HTML generated for Absolute URL option points to the URL where this application is hosted. But my requirement is to generate the HTML to use some other absolute URL on clicking insert button on image ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by smita_swaika on May 31, 2006
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