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  • Re: Source Code License

    Hello Adam! &nbsp; Thank you for your answer!&nbsp;If we can&nbsp;retrieve visitor identity from the authentication cookie&nbsp;within the operator console source code then the next important question appears: 1. Our visitors(customers) have thier own identity(a number) that is transmitted within authentication cookie. We want to associate ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by sirsoft2000 on March 27, 2007
  • Re: Source Code License

    Hello Karen! &nbsp; Thank you for your answer! It seems to meet our requirements. The next important questions are: 1.&nbsp;We need to add some extra fields in the operator application. Is it enough to have just the operator application source code for that purpose? 2. Is it possible to find out the visitor identity from the operator ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by sirsoft2000 on March 26, 2007
  • Integration with EXISTING customer database

    Hello! &nbsp; 1. Is it possible to customize visitor information (add/change/remove fields) in Console? I have to find a&nbsp;product&nbsp;like Cute Live Console&nbsp;but with possibility to display some additional information from our company customer&nbsp;database. The requirement is to allow operator to see the additional information while ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by sirsoft2000 on March 23, 2007