In version 6.0, all the HTML code are automatically protested. Cute Editor will not many any changes to your code.
However if you have the following HTML code (using Upper Tag, missing quotes):
<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=500 border=0>
Cute Editor will change it to:
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="500" border="0">
You can disable this feature by setting ConvertHTMLTagstoLowercase property to false.
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asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
asp.net Image Gallery: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Image+Gallery/default.aspx
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