Problem with upgrade to 6 > Please Help!

Last post 11-01-2007, 10:43 PM by ifremen. 2 replies.
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  •  07-12-2007, 2:58 PM 31507

    Problem with upgrade to 6 > Please Help!

    We used to control Cute's ability to "normalize" html code with "DisableAutoFormatting" property (I think). We use this instance of editor to create html email messages and prepare the html in dreamweaver. When pasting html file into Cute, we need the editor to leave the html code as is.

    This would also apply to making code changes in Cute Editor. Can Cute be "dumbed down" in this way? We are not seeking code compliance.

    Can you point me in the right direction?

  •  07-12-2007, 3:36 PM 31510 in reply to 31507

    Re: Problem with upgrade to 6 > Please Help!

    In version 6.0, all the HTML code are automatically protested. Cute Editor will not many any changes to your code.
    However if you have the following HTML code (using Upper Tag, missing quotes):
    <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=500 border=0>
    Cute Editor will change it to:
    <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="500" border="0">
    You can disable this feature by setting ConvertHTMLTagstoLowercase property to false.

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  •  11-01-2007, 10:43 PM 34779 in reply to 31510

    Re: Problem with upgrade to 6 > Please Help!

    I don't understand your sentence above:

     "In version 6.0, all the HTML code are automatically protested. Cute Editor will not many any changes to your code."

    I too need Cute Editor to leave my html alone (I am attempting to dynamically create either an anchor or span tag with an onclick event, but Cute Editor immediately removes the entire onclick code).

    I have been through this forum for hours. Can you please answer VERY PLAINLY what functionality replaces the evidently obsolete "DisableAutoFormatting" that will apparently fix many people's problems? I am not referring to uppercase tags or missing quotes.

    Please, I have paid a lot of money for your software and would like a solution.
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