CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
Last post 03-31-2005, 12:15 AM by Adam. 19 replies.
01-10-2005, 5:38 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
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CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
Hi, I have a problem using Cute Editor when I paste my HTML code, and then save it the html code is sometimes modified that's not really a problem unless the modified html does not render as the original html. When I save the html some "width" values ar set to 1 and in the pasted html theses values where greater than 1. I do not understand why cute editor modifies those values.
I don't event switch to design mode, I just paste the html and click on a save button which get the content with the Text property.
Here attached the original html pasted in cute editor and the html returned by the Text propertdy of the CuteEditor
Any help will be appreciated. Sébastien
01-10-2005, 10:51 PM |
01-13-2005, 5:25 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
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Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
Hi Adam, Thank you for your answer. and I have the same problem. When I submit the html code it displays two horizontal gray lines that do not appear like that in the original html. So I guess Cute Editor modifies the HTML code somewhere when submitted. Do you have any idea why this is happening ? Kind regards. Sébastien.
01-13-2005, 1:17 PM |
Joined on 09-23-2003
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Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
After you submit the forum, we add an extra line to separate the code:
The HTML you typed is... <table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p> </p> </td> <td> <p>When your algorithmic and programming skills have reached a level which you cannot improve any further, refining your team strategy will give you that extra edge you need to reach the top. We practiced programming contests with different team members and strategies for many years, and saw a lot of other teams do so too. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> <img src="/Uploads/PH02366J.jpg" width="80" /> </p> </td> <td> <p>From this we developed a theory about how an optimal team should behave during a contest. However, a refined strategy is not a must: The World Champions of 1995, Freiburg University, were a rookie team, and the winners of the 1994 Northwestern </p> <p> <img src="/Uploads/j0262681.jpg" width="80" /> </p> <p>European Contest, Warsaw University, met only two weeks before that contest. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> <br />
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01-14-2005, 6:06 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
Posts 47
Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
Hi Adam, My explanation was not clear I'm sorry. Have a look at the three attached files, you will understand what I'm talking about. The first attachment shows the original file.  The second attachment shows the html code pasted in CuteEditor and viewed on the Preview tab. 
The third attachment shows the Result of the html submitted to cute editor in this attachment you can clearly see 2 wide gray lines which do not appears on the other attachments.  I hope my problem is more clear to you now. I appreciate your help. Kind regards. Sébastien.
01-14-2005, 12:24 PM |
Joined on 11-22-2004
Posts 24
Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
I have the same problem. When I paste HTML formatted text and have the editor text saved to a database, it returns with differently formatted html. This is especially problematic with links <a href> tags without terminating </a> tags, tables, etc. Is there something we need to change in how we set the editor text value or a different property we can set so instead of saying cuteeditor.text = database.result we set it to say cuteeditor.htmltext = database.result? I want the user to be able to keep the formatting no matter where it was pasted from (Outlook, Word, Internet)--thanks!
01-14-2005, 1:27 PM |
03-07-2005, 8:26 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
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Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
Dear Adam, I'm still having the exact same problem. When my HTML code includes some tables boxed into other tables I have white spaces that shouldn't appear when the code is rendered. I have checked my tags and all tags are well closed in relation with an open tag. I do not understand why CuteEditor modifies my HTML code when I save it.
I have tried my HTML code to the demo Page of your web site and I have the same problem.
It seems that Cute Editor adds some spaces after </tr> tags and thoses spaces are interpreted. Can you please help me on this issue ?
Kind regards,
03-07-2005, 9:06 AM |
03-07-2005, 10:01 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
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Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
I'm not talking about this html code any more. I have a totally different html code but I'm having the exact same problem.
03-07-2005, 10:02 AM |
03-07-2005, 10:05 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
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Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
Here is the Html Codefor which I have a problem:
03-07-2005, 10:06 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
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Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
Adam wrote: |
Can you paste your new HTML code? |
03-07-2005, 10:17 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
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Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
OK, I'm sorry, it seems that my original HTML code is not giving the expected result. I'm going to correct that.
03-07-2005, 11:21 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
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Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
OK I'm having the problem again. I pasted html code ( undefined) in cute editor pressed saved. The html is renderning correctly. I click the edit button to have html code in CuteEditor I don't change anything in the html code I click save the html is not rendering correctly anymore. I have white space at the end of </table> tags. Do you have any idea why is this happening?
03-07-2005, 11:31 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
Posts 47
Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
The weird thing is that if I edit the page in design mode in cute editor and save the changes the HTML is still rendered correctly, but if I do the same change using the HTML view in Cute Editor and then save the changes the HTML rendered isn't correct anymore.
03-07-2005, 1:29 PM |
03-11-2005, 5:05 AM |
Joined on 07-26-2004
Posts 47
Re: CuteEditor modifies pasted html code ?!
Dear Adam, I never said anything about the <head> section! I'm saying that when I edit my page with CuteEditor in design mode everything works fine. When I edit the same page in html mode then my page looks different. For a undefined reason I have white spaces after </td> tags and thoses white spaces are actually interpreted by the Browser. So it seems that CuteEditor adds some code when the page is edited in html mode. Is my problem clear to you now? Kind regards, Sébastien.
03-31-2005, 12:15 AM |