HELP! please... CuteEditor is causing problem

Last post 02-04-2008, 3:07 AM by ommedia. 4 replies.
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  •  02-02-2008, 9:10 PM 36751

    HELP! please... CuteEditor is causing problem

    Hi there,

    I downloaded Cute editor to test it out and see if it works fine with the application I am creating. It works fine, however I wanted to buy the license but needed more information and I left the offline message using your "Leave Messages Offline" But no-one emailed me back. I thought I had 30 days to try it out so I can wait for you guys to mail be back but Now my application is stuffed because of cuteeditor and its way too much work to take it out from all my files and I am running out of time.

    I need to know that will the Domain license allow me to use the editor for Developing while also allowing the Live website to use it? If not what would be the best type of licence I can buy. And if I buy that now, Do I have to redo everything? since my application is stuffed untill cuteeditor has the license?

    I really need this working asap as I have to Demo it to my client early next week.. This application is not Live yet.. and still under development phase... isnt there a temp license I can use untill client is happy with it.. Please help..

    Please reply soon.
    PS: would have been good if there was a HELP person in the messager I could ask instantly.

    Thank you.
  •  02-02-2008, 10:47 PM 36752 in reply to 36751

    Re: HELP! please... CuteEditor is causing problem

  •  02-02-2008, 11:04 PM 36753 in reply to 36752

    Re: HELP! please... CuteEditor is causing problem

    Thanks adam,

    But that didnt work, upon replacing that .lic file in Bin folder.. its still giving me the following error

    "The License for Editor is not valid.

     You are using a trial license and the trial period has expired.

     If you would like to extend your trial period, please write to [email protected]."
    I tried deleting Licenses.licx and putting CuteEditor.lic didnt work either.

    tried adding the file to License folder and adding the file in web.config.. "

    <add key="CuteEditorLicense" value="~/License/CuteEditor.lic" />

    It doesnt recognize the key (unless it needs to be added under a particular tag, that I am not aware of.)

    Is there any other way?

    Also my trial only lasted 7 days not 30 days as it said initially when I downloaded the trial version... Is it suppose to do that?

    Your help will be much appreciated.


  •  02-03-2008, 10:35 PM 36762 in reply to 36753

    Re: HELP! please... CuteEditor is causing problem

    Please delete all license files in your server. Then use the following license file.
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
    Live Support:

  •  02-04-2008, 3:07 AM 36764 in reply to 36762

    Re: HELP! please... CuteEditor is causing problem

    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for all your help.. Unfortunatly.. I was a bit desperate to get it working.. so I took CuteEditor out of my Application and then re-instated it using the freshly downloaded copy Of cuteEditor_for_Net6. Its working fine now.. just hope it doesnt die on me tomorrow when I am doing the Demo... In which case it might be a good thing.. and I can try the new zipfile u've given me above.

    I'll keep you posted on my progress... And Thanks heaps again.

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