Deployment failure (see last post)

Last post 12-08-2008, 4:45 PM by Sonny. 4 replies.
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  •  07-24-2008, 8:34 AM 42500

    Deployment failure (see last post)

    I'm having trouble deciding if this is the right tool for this situation. I'm creating a site for someone in Dreamweaver. I have a template that all pages will be based on. The site's owner wants to be able to manage - upload, delete, organize - photos of various events, which will appear to site visitors in a gallery page that integrates seamlessly with the look of the rest of the site. They have no DW experience, so I'm looking for something they can maintain completely on their own without having access to the site's file and page directories with ftp, so there's no chance of them wiping out pages or files.
    Additional question - if this turns out to be the right tool. Which license would be best for this application? I will be doing the installation and testing, but the client will be the one managing the gallery from their own location.
  •  07-24-2008, 3:44 PM 42523 in reply to 42500

    Re: Is DotNetGallery the right tool for this situation?

    I think this file based gallery works for your situation.
    For this situation, you can purchase a domain license ($49).
    You can download a trial version first, install it on your client site.  Then place the order once your client likes this control.
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
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  •  08-19-2008, 11:26 AM 43050 in reply to 42523

    Re: Is DotNetGallery the right tool for this situation?

    I don't see any documentation or instructions, or even any reference to being able to customize the gallery to fit in with an existing web page design. Is it possible to "plug-in" this app to an existing page template? Are there instructions or support available for doing so?
  •  08-20-2008, 3:00 PM 43106 in reply to 43050

    Re: Is DotNetGallery the right tool for this situation?

    Adding DotNetGallery to an ASP.NET Page

    To add DotNetGallery to an ASP.NET page, do the following:

    1. Add the following line to the top of your page:

       <%@ Register TagPrefix="CE" Namespace="DotNetGallery" Assembly="DotNetGallery" %>

    2. Add the following code between <form runat="server"> tags:

        Column = "6"
        AutoResizeUploadedImages = "true"  
        FolderPath = "~/samplefolder"
       ></CE:Gallery> Chat
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
    asp wysiwyg html editor: Image Gallery:
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  •  12-08-2008, 4:45 PM 46665 in reply to 43106

    Re: Is DotNetGallery the right tool for this situation?

    I don't have any idea what I'm doing wrong - I am a newbie at this.
    I have downloaded the trial version. I made the page the failure of which can be seen here:

    I uploaded the page to the root of the server. I uploaded the DotNetGallery_Files folder, with all its content, to the root of the site.

    I uploaded the two files from the bin folder in the download to the /bin folder in the root of the site.

    Aren't the other files & folders in the download (sample, album, images) supposed to go somewhere? The "deployment" instructions don't say anything about those.
    Also, from what I can see, there is no way for the client to upload, organize, and manage this album through a web-based interface. That was one of my main considerations in trying this application - the other being the ability to integrate it with an master page.
    What am I doing wrong, please? I can post the code for my page if that would help.
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