I have a CMS and I'm trying to upgread from 5.3 to 6.4, I managed to connect the editor to the database and i change all of the (bin, CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor , web.config) files and the editor loaded fine but I have some javascript errors ..
I'm using a pop up window in my project to send notes to the users, and in that window I'm using the cutesoft editor
and whenever I try to open the image upload dialog

I have an error as follow:
and if I press Yes it will start working.
I can now upload and view the images but when ever I try to nav through the folders the error come again
It's a bugy thing for the users.
And there are errors in some of the other dialogs like:
Insert Image
Insert Image
Insert Flash
Insert Document
Page Properties
Insert Template
and when I choose an image and try to insert it, an error accure:
and the most bugy thing that when I press cancel btn or the close dialog btn, my pop up window closed???!!!
can any one help me with this issue plz
here some screen shoots for the errors