Problems copy/paste from Word to CuteEditor

Last post 06-27-2011, 9:47 AM by xtomicino. 2 replies.
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  •  06-13-2011, 3:18 PM 67935

    Problems copy/paste from Word to CuteEditor

    Getting horrible results that we never received before.  Sentences randomly have "<br>'s" added to the HTML. Any recommendations?
    Never an issue before, can reproduce over and over again with the demos available on this website.
  •  06-14-2011, 1:09 AM 67943 in reply to 67935

    Re: Problems copy/paste from Word to CuteEditor

    Hi xtomicino,
    Can you send your test document (ms word file what you are testing) to [email protected] and show me the steps to reproduce this issue on demo I will check it and get back to you as soon as possible.
  •  06-27-2011, 9:47 AM 68173 in reply to 67943

    Re: Problems copy/paste from Word to CuteEditor

    Please use any Word Document - and you can use the demos on the website (Browser: IE9)
    And in conjunction, IE9 won't save text unless we turn off the WYSIWYG custom CSS attribute.
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