Tweaking the tool bars appearence

Last post 08-05-2005, 12:53 AM by mat41. 2 replies.
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  •  08-03-2005, 10:58 PM 9270

    Tweaking the tool bars appearence

    I have used the editor.Template property to make only the tools I want available, this works nicely.   A couple of things that are not covered in the brief tool bar documentation:

    1..How can I manage the style of the tool bars background?  In particular the nice gradient you have on all your examples (except minimal configuration) including the vertical five dots at the start of the tool bar

    2..How can we insert the vertical white spacer that appears between tools.   On the post a new message page there is one between the spell checker (fifth tool) and the cut tool(sixth tool) 
    3..How can I make tool appear on a new line?  you have all your select drop down boxes on one line, all your formatting tools on one line and all the text tweaking tools on one line.

    4..How do I get rid of the Normal, html and preview links at the bottom? 
    My code is as follows:
       Dim editor
       Set editor = New CuteEditor
       editor.Text = content
       editor.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
       editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/Uploads"
       editor.MaxImageSize = 50
       editor.Width = 700
       editor.Height = 240

    NOTE(pont 5 was fixed by incuding editor.ID = "Editor1" in the above code) 
    5..I also get a javascript error when I click on the spell checker (the spell checker does work though)  I am using IE 6.0 sp2 XP Pro IIS 5.5 with the .net framwork installed.  The error is:
    Line 2
    Char 25809
    Null or not an object
    There is no JS on line 2.  I have created my page by duplicating the MinimalConfiguration.asp.  All I have changed it what tools are showing.  Is this a bug?  The spell checker worksd so Im stoked however whn I go live there should be no Javasript warnings in the foot of the browser. 

    Wind is your friend
  •  08-04-2005, 1:29 PM 9294 in reply to 9270

    Re: Tweaking the tool bars appearence

    1..How can I manage the style of the tool bars background?  In particular the nice gradient you have on all your examples (except minimal configuration) including the vertical five dots at the start of the tool bar
    Please modify the style.css.asp file.

    <%=editorid%> .CuteEditorGroupMenu {display: inline; background-image: url(images/horizontal.background.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: bottom; height:24px; background-repeat: repeat-x; vertical-align:middle;border-bottom : 1px solid #4681BC;border-left : 1px solid #4681BC;}
    2..How can we insert the vertical white spacer that appears between tools.   On the post a new message page there is one between the spell checker (fifth tool) and the cut tool(sixth tool) 
    Toolbar item: separator.

    3..How can I make tool appear on a new line?  you have all your select drop down boxes on one line, all your formatting tools on one line and all the text tweaking tools on one line.
    Toolbar item: linebreak.

    4..How do I get rid of the Normal, html and preview links at the bottom? 

     ShowBottomBar The ShowBottomBar property Specifies whether the Bottom Bar (Design, Html and Preview Mode tab) appear.


     'Specifies whether the Bottom Bar(Design, Html and Preview Mode tab) appear. 
    editor.ShowBottomBar = false Chat
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  •  08-05-2005, 12:53 AM 9303 in reply to 9294

    Re: Tweaking the tool bars appearence

    Thankyou for your time, it is much appreciated.  My style.css.asp file reads the same as your suggestion.  The image is not redering on the page, through trial and error I have identified the correct file is being edited.   Its a shame your product is not supported by good, printable documentation (the frames dont even print) 

    Points 2 and three - thanking you, all fixed.  Iam curious is linebreak and seperator documented?

    Point 4 Yesy this works however I would like to remove the buttons I asked about but not the + and - features to resize the editor


    Wind is your friend
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