How to fix this error (Server Error in '/' Application.)

Last post 12-20-2005, 1:59 AM by kamalmenon. 1 replies.
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  •  12-19-2005, 10:35 AM 14018

    How to fix this error (Server Error in '/' Application.)

    I tried to install and run the stand alone in our web server and got this error. The url is .My databasename is doublesign_db. the web.config file which i edited is this
      <add key="ConnectionString" value="server=;DataBase=doublesign_db;UID=doublesign;PWD=123456" />
      <add key="OnlineTimeout" value="300" />
      <add key="CuteChat.ConnectionStringProvider" value="SamplePortal.CuteChatIntegration.DataProvider,doublesign_db" />
    When i try to access the webpage error is coming. Please help
  •  12-20-2005, 1:59 AM 14049 in reply to 14018

    Re: How to fix this error (Server Error in '/' Application.)

    WE are planning to buy this product and trying the trial version. This error happened when we try to access the default.asp page in the web folder. If this is wrong please tell the steps in details. We followed the steps in the documentation. This is very urgent.
    If there is anysupport email id please give it so that we can send you the details
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