I am Embedding chat in my aspx page. Everything works including the Admin portion. Only thing that does not work is gettig to the chat room itself. I copoed this code snippet from the sireand included in my page. Below is my actual code.
All I get when i get to the chat roon is the line with the font selection. Any idea?
THis is the HTML code from my ASPX form
%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CuteChat" TagName="EmbedChannel" src="cutesoft_client/cutechat/embedchannel.ascx" %>
<head runat="server">
<title>Embed CuteChat </title>
//set up the parameters
<CuteChat:EmbedChannel id="EmbedMessenger1" runat="server"></CuteChat:EmbedChannel>