Label on page disappears if I click on thumbnail and view full image

Last post 04-25-2007, 4:18 PM by cheryll. 1 replies.
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  •  04-22-2007, 7:36 PM 28671

    Label on page disappears if I click on thumbnail and view full image

    I have DotNetGallery located on a page that also has a header (in a ascx class).  This header has a label on it, which is data driven.
    When you first go to the gallery, the header label displays correctly; however if I then click on a thumbnail, the header label disappears.  (If i use images instead of a label, the images display correctly at all times).
    Codewise, there is nothing on the page that is causing this to happen.  When debugging, it does go into the code that displays this label in both instances.  I am not telling it to disappear at anytime, in fact I'm specifically setting it to visible = true.
    The only thing I can think of is that there is something in the gallery code itself that may be interfering with label.
    Any ideas?
  •  04-25-2007, 4:18 PM 28834 in reply to 28671

    Re: Label on page disappears if I click on thumbnail and view full image

    This issue has been resolved - it turned out it was not specific to the DotNetGallery as I eventually managed to duplicate it in another page.
    I still don't know why it was happening but we've managed to work around the issue.
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