demo form uploaded only saves temporarily

Last post 03-18-2008, 11:44 AM by Jeanne Goloub. 2 replies.
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  •  03-18-2008, 12:27 AM 38065

    demo form uploaded only saves temporarily

    Maybe I'm daft or something, but I followed the directions, and this is what happens:
    I add some text and a photo and hit save.
    I am redirected to Get_HtmlContent.php and what I did displays. The whole bar works correctly - all the buttons have functions.
    I check from another machine and it does not exist - same Get_HtmlContent.php, but no items displayed.
    It seems to save and display what I have done for the session, but if I dispose of temporary internet files and destroy the session, the first computer also displays nothing on Get_HtmlContent.php.
    Get_HtmlContent.php is CHMOD: 755. It is the only file I changed in this way.
    Did I miss in the docs where the display gets stored? Did I miss that something else must be CHMODded differently?
    Can I make this so it saves into a MySQL database?
    How do I create permanancy of content?
  •  03-18-2008, 10:25 AM 38094 in reply to 38065

    Re: demo form uploaded only saves temporarily

    Jeanne Goloub,
    This example shows you how to extract the content from the editor.
    After getting the data, you need to write some code store the data into any data source (data base or static html file).
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  •  03-18-2008, 11:44 AM 38099 in reply to 38094

    Re: demo form uploaded only saves temporarily

    Thank you very much for your prompt reply! Much appreciated. At least now I know what I'm doing.

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