How to make a state button and capture "enter" event in editor

Last post 02-21-2005, 11:03 AM by LOGIKonline. 0 replies.
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  •  02-21-2005, 11:03 AM 4178

    How to make a state button and capture "enter" event in editor

    Can someone please assist me in capturing the enter key event.  I can't seem to pickup the enter key - and the editor still moves to the next line.

    I think I can make a state button, but if someone has the code readibly available - that would be great.

    Has anyone figured out how to stop the editor from entering more characters than the maxlength/maxhtmllength?  I use javascript to extract the text - but the editor seems to let the length go past the limits but popup a box when only submitting - while this may be ok - in the case of multiple editors - My users find it confusing somewhat.
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