Re: CuteEditor TextArea width always set to 100% problem

Last post 03-08-2010, 9:50 PM by Kenneth. 6 replies.
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  •  05-12-2009, 9:42 AM 52072

    Re: CuteEditor TextArea width always set to 100% problem

    Hi! It's my first time to post here. Just like to ask if anyone has ever had a problem and/or a solution to the cuteeditor's textarea rendering a style which sets the width to 100%.
    Here is a sample of the rendered editor:
    <textarea name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ceBlogText" id="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ceBlogText" rows="14" cols="50" class="CuteEditorTextArea" style="DISPLAY: none; WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 100%"> </textarea><input type=hidden name='ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ceBlogText$ClientState' value=''/><input type=hidden name='ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ceBlogText$PostBackHandler'/><link rel="stylesheet" href="/blog/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=themecss&amp;file=style.css&amp;theme=Custom&amp;EditorID=CE_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ceBlogText_ID" />
    <table width="400px" height="320px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" _IsCuteEditor="True" id="CE_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ceBlogText_ID" style="background-color:#F4F4F3;border-color:#DDDDDD;border-width:1px;border-style:Solid;height:320px;width:400px;">
    <tr><td class='CuteEditorToolBarContainer' unselectable='on' valign='top'><div id="CE_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ceBlogText_ID_ToolBar" style="DISPLAY:none;">
    <table class='CuteEditorGroupMenu' cellSpacing='0' cellPadding='0' border='0'><tr><td class='CuteEditorGroupMenuCell'><nobr><img Command="Bold" alt="Bold" ThemeIndex="66" /><img Command="Italic" alt="Italic" ThemeIndex="67" /><img Command="Underline" alt="Underline" ThemeIndex="68" /><img src='/blog/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=theme&file=separator.gif&theme=Custom' unselectable='on' class='separator'/><img Command="Cut" alt="Cut" ThemeIndex="9" /><img Command="Copy" alt="Copy" ThemeIndex="10" /><img Command="Paste" alt="Paste" ThemeIndex="11" /><img Command="PasteWord" alt="Paste From word" ThemeIndex="13" /><img src='/blog/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=theme&file=separator.gif&theme=Custom' unselectable='on' class='separator'/><img Command="InsertImage" alt="Insert Image" ThemeIndex="29" /><img Command="InsertDocument" alt="Upload Documents" src="/blog/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=theme&amp;file=uploadicon.gif&amp;theme=Custom" /><img src='/blog/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=theme&file=separator.gif&theme=Custom' unselectable='on' class='separator'/><img Command="JustifyLeft" alt="Left Justify" ThemeIndex="69" /><img Command="JustifyCenter" alt="Center" ThemeIndex="70" /><img Command="JustifyRight" alt="Right Justify" ThemeIndex="71" /><img Command="JustifyFull" alt="Justify Full" ThemeIndex="72" /><img Command="JustifyNone" alt="Justify None" ThemeIndex="73" /><img src='/blog/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=theme&file=separator.gif&theme=Custom' unselectable='on' class='separator'/><img Command="Undo" alt="Undo" ThemeIndex="16" /><img Command="Redo" alt="Redo" ThemeIndex="17" /><img src='/blog/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=theme&file=separator.gif&theme=Custom' unselectable='on' class='separator'/><img Command="InsertOrderedList" alt="Insert Numbered List" ThemeIndex="75" /><img Command="InsertUnorderedList" alt="Insert Unordered List" ThemeIndex="76" /><img src='/blog/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=theme&file=separator.gif&theme=Custom' unselectable='on' class='separator'/><img Command="InsertLink" alt="Insert Hyperlink" ThemeIndex="85" /><img Command="Unlink" alt="Remove Link" ThemeIndex="86" />
     I have tried different approaches to no avail. Please help!!! 
  •  05-12-2009, 2:01 PM 52082 in reply to 52072

    Re: CuteEditor TextArea width always set to 100% problem

    This above code cannot be changed. Can you tell me why you want to remove the above code? Chat
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  •  05-12-2009, 10:27 PM 52100 in reply to 52082

    Re: CuteEditor TextArea width always set to 100% problem

    This above code cannot be changed. Can you tell me why you want to remove the above code?
    Hi Adam! I'm more interested in changing the "width: 100% " style of the rendered textarea because it's eating up most of the page I'm doing. I can't find any place where I can set this, I have tried on the codebehind and on the aspx page.
  •  05-13-2009, 1:45 AM 52103 in reply to 52100

    Re: CuteEditor TextArea width always set to 100% problem

    Hi alex,
    CuteEditor TextArea means the place where do you can write the text ?
    The editor window is to small ?
  •  05-13-2009, 4:15 AM 52108 in reply to 52103

    Re: CuteEditor TextArea width always set to 100% problem

    Hi alex,
    CuteEditor TextArea means the place where do you can write the text ?
    The editor window is to small ?
    Hi Andreas,
    In my case it gets too big. It basically eats up the whole width of the page.
  •  03-08-2010, 3:58 PM 59245 in reply to 52072

    Re: CuteEditor TextArea width always set to 100% problem

    I have this exact problem...anyone have any ideas?
  •  03-08-2010, 9:50 PM 59251 in reply to 52072

    Re: CuteEditor TextArea width always set to 100% problem

    You can change the style of cuteeditor's textarea by properties 'FrameStyle'. like below.
      editor1.FrameStyle.Width = Unit.Pixel(300);
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