add a small text under each uploaded photo

Last post 02-14-2011, 3:48 PM by Eric. 1 replies.
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  •  02-08-2011, 4:33 AM 66110

    add a small text under each uploaded photo



    I need to add a small text under each uploaded photo (a different text for each photo). Is there any option available? How can I do that?


    Thanks in advance.

  •  02-14-2011, 3:48 PM 66221 in reply to 66110

    Re: add a small text under each uploaded photo

    Dear Iker,
    Please set property "UploadUrl", you can write your own logic in the handler file.
            Dim uploader    
            Set uploader=new AspUploader    
    In the download package, you can find the following 3 files, these are the examples of  customization handler.  You can refer to them.
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