Upload Fail

Last post 09-17-2011, 4:01 AM by chloe0. 6 replies.
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  •  03-05-2011, 11:26 PM 66552

    Upload Fail

    We are evaluating your image gallery software for inclusion in our site and have found it extremely easy to integrate, with one exception.  We are having a difficult time uploading files.  Every attempt returns:
    Error , no files.
      at DotNetGallery.GalleryBrowser.UploadFiles(String categoryid)
    Permissions have been set on the folders as indicated, and we can't figure out what is wrong.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.
  •  03-05-2011, 11:45 PM 66553 in reply to 66552

    Re: Upload Fail

    Dear DarkStar76,

    Is your site online?

    If so, please send the test Url or page file to [email protected]

    I'll check the detail error message and get back to you as soon as possible. 

  •  03-12-2011, 6:20 PM 66633 in reply to 66553

    Re: Upload Fail

    I appreciate any assistance you can provide.
  •  08-02-2011, 5:37 PM 69201 in reply to 66633

    Re: Upload Fail

    was this resolved? I'm getting the same error.
    Professional Web Design in Canton, Ohio.
  •  08-28-2011, 10:08 PM 69847 in reply to 69201

    Re: Upload Fail

    Hi bbcgraphics,
    Is there 'GalleryFiles' folder under your website?
    Please make sure that your site has the 'GalleryFiles' folder, and grant permission to it. 
  •  08-29-2011, 1:13 PM 69858 in reply to 69847

    Re: Upload Fail

    I tried using GalleryFiles as the image directory but still got the same error.
    However, I did found the problem.  The page had LivePerson chat code on it which was writing it's own <form> tag to the page (outside of the <form runat="server"> tag... there were no nested forms) and once I eliminated that then the upload worked fine. 
    I tested further by adding an empty <form></form> tag to the page higher in the sorce than the <form runat="server"> with the DotNetGallery control and the error reappeared.  Then I moved the empty form to just before the </body> tag in the source (under the <form runat="server"> </form>) and the upload worked again.  I'm guessing that somewhere in the DotNetGallery code it assumes that the control is in the first or only form on the page and references form(0)

    Professional Web Design in Canton, Ohio.
  •  09-17-2011, 4:01 AM 70089 in reply to 69858

    Re: Upload Fail

    I tried using GalleryFiles as the image directory but still got the same error.
    However, I did found the problem.  The page had LivePerson chat code on it which was writing it's own <form> tag to the page (outside of the <form runat="server"> tag... there were no nested forms) and once I eliminated that then the upload worked fine. 
    I tested further by adding an empty <form></form> tag to the page higher in the sorce than the <form runat="server"> with the DotNetGallery control and the error reappeared.  Then I moved the empty form to just before the </body> tag in the source (under the <form runat="server"> </form>) and the upload worked again.  I'm guessing that somewhere in the DotNetGallery code it assumes that the control is in the first or only form on the page and references form(0)
    same happening to me..
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