Using cute editor as an email body editor.
Emails are likely to have MessageGears script links in them.
PROBLEM: If a user does a copy-and-paste action on the "Normal" tab from a previous email to a new one, then the MessageGears script link is encoded. This is fairly serious for unsubscribe links which become broken.
As an example, this link: "${Gears.unsubscribe()}" is converted into this link :"$%7BGears.unsubscribe()%7D". I am guessing this only happens within HREFs!?
Using copy-and-paste in the HTML tab is absolutely fine.
Is there any way I can turn this behaviour off or can someone suggest a workaround. I do save the email into a database so I have the option to use REGEX to fix the link. Seems a but dirty though and might take some time to compute the correct REGEX.
For those reading this in the future, be aware that the URL which is inserted can change, for example, if you edit a Template, the absolute path which is added by cute editor also contains the folder path to the template editor ASPX. Any REGEX will become a bit more tricky.