External Link not working if there is already a link in place

Last post 05-17-2013, 12:02 PM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  05-16-2013, 6:48 PM 77453

    External Link not working if there is already a link in place

    If we try link any words or content using the external link function to any other site, it's fine if there is no link it or already.  But if there is already a link it will show "New Text link", we tried linking an image which was already linked before and this error occurred.


  •  05-17-2013, 12:02 PM 77455 in reply to 77453

    Re: External Link not working if there is already a link in place

    Hi MarkOB,


    Can you show me the full steps to reproduce this issue on demo http://www.richtexteditor.com/demo/?





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