Problems with forms

Last post 06-28-2005, 1:08 PM by ahoward. 2 replies.
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  •  06-14-2005, 12:55 PM 7587

    Problems with forms

    I am getting the following javascript error when I try to switch to HTML or Preview view after inserting a listbox and/or dropdown list with items in the list:  Class does not support Automation.  Everything works fine until I enter items.  I tried this in the online demo on your site and am getting the same error.  I read another post about this error and you said to remove the form tag.  There is no form tag in the html.  The listbox & dropdown list are the only two form tags that I am getting this error with.
    Another problem I am experiencing is that if you don't switch to HTML view before saving the form, it doesn't save the name attribute you assign to the control.  It leaves the name blank and the id is the default 'Text1', 'checkBox1', etc.  We need the name attributes assigned in order to loop the Request.Form collection when submitting the form.  I am also experiencing this problem in your online demo.

    These seem like bugs in the software.  If that is the case, please let me know when we can expect these issues to be resolved.  If it is user error, please let me know what it is I am doing to cause these problems.

    FYI, I am on the latest version (4.5).
  •  06-14-2005, 5:25 PM 7607 in reply to 7587

    Re: Problems with forms

    Thanks for pointing out this issue.
    We are investigating this issue and will get back to you as soon as possible.
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  •  06-28-2005, 1:08 PM 8114 in reply to 7587

    Re: Problems with forms

    Is there any time frame for these issues getting resolved?
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