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  • Re: Two questions

    Thanks for your reply, erik. &nbsp;Im still getting the same results no matter what I try.&nbsp;I also tried the Show Attachments Table demo...and added :$uploader-&gt;SaveDirectory=''../images/upload''; (path must be relative, otherwise I get an error) The images get uploaded to it...but table stays empty.If I delete the SaveDirectory it works ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by mic on May 9, 2010
  • Two questions

    First of all, really like the script. Best one i found so far.&nbsp;I used this code (below) to get the filenames, which works well...until i add a:$uploader-&gt;SaveDirectory=''../images/upload''; Seems it cant find the files if the path is can I fix this? &nbsp;Also, is there a way to limit the amount of files?Say I only want ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by mic on May 8, 2010