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  • Re: "Server Error" displayed within editor

    Yes, I have.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rachale on June 8, 2006
  • "Server Error" displayed within editor

    I just upgraded to 5.3 from 5.0. &nbsp; Immediately after doing so, I get the standard aspx (''Server Error'' in red) within the editor window.&nbsp; It just stays there for an instant, then disappears and the content is then displayed.&nbsp; &nbsp; It's so fast that the entire error message doesn't even have time to load before.&nbsp; Every ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rachale on June 7, 2006
  • Offsets of Drop-down boxes

    I'm now using v5.3 of the editor. &nbsp; I have the editor within a DIV tag, within a TABLE, positioned at an offset (+x, +y) to the page. &nbsp; When a user pulls the drop-downs, they do not appear in the correct location.&nbsp; They appear to offset by the same +x and +y above.&nbsp; It seems you are calculating the offset relative to the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rachale on June 2, 2006
  • Re: Customize document inserts

    Oh!&nbsp; That makes sense about the title tag.&nbsp; &nbsp; I am aware that you can select the text to create a link as you describe.&nbsp; But, what I want to do is change the behaviour if no text is selected.&nbsp; Instead of using the URL as the inner text of the &lt;A&gt; tag, I want to&nbsp;modify the inner text in code.&nbsp; Is this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rachale on November 28, 2005
  • Customize document inserts

    I need to customize document inserting.&nbsp; It seems that the default is to insert the URL in between the A tags:&lt;A href = '\url\to\the\document.txt'&gt;\url\to\the\document.txt&lt;/A&gt; &nbsp; I want to default the text to just :&lt;A href = '\url\to\the\document.txt'&gt;document.txt&lt;/A&gt;...and possibly add a document icon based on ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rachale on November 26, 2005