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  • Selecting an Image For Use With Custom Links Dialog

    I am upgrading from CE 3.0 to CE 5.2. In CE 3.0 I had a custom Insert Link dialog fully functional. I now have it working in CE 5.2 except that when I select an image and then click on the Link button (which shows my custom dialog), I get a JavaScript error (''Object doesn's support this property or method''). I am trying have the ability to make ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on April 3, 2006
  • Re: Custom Dialog Integration

    Thanks Adam... I tried that earlier and my custom dialog was not opened (instead, the CE dialog opened as if I had made no change to tag.config). I tried a couple of variations of the file name - including the fully qualified path to my custom dialog - but still no effect. &#160;Does CE assume or require that my custom dialog exists in the same ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on January 19, 2005
  • Custom Dialog Integration

    My site has some unique requirements that necessitated the use of a few custom dialogs (InsertImage, InsertLink, and InsertTemplate). I got everything working very well with CuteEditor version 3. The code behind CuteEditor version 4 is very different and I have found the task of migrating to be difficult because I have not been able to integrate ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on January 18, 2005
  • Dead Link to C# Source Code (Sample NetSpell Integration Code)

    I went to look at the C# Source accessible via the link on this page: []&nbsp; and got a 404 (Resource could not be found) when attempting to access:;file=CS\NetSpell.aspx&amp;font=3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on July 17, 2004
  • Re: Get Runtime Reference To Editor Object In Nested User Control (ascx).

    For those interested in the followup on this... &nbsp; I decided to take a simpler approach. The ''wall I ran into'' was not simply that the CuteEditor was appearing within a nested user control, but that the user controls were being dynamically added to the ASPX page. They therefore simply do not exist on PostBack, so there is no control (i.e., ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on July 11, 2004
  • AllowPasteHTML Has No Effect?

    I'm evaluating&nbsp;a number of CuteEditor configurations and have discovered that the AllowPasteHTML property setting seems to have no effect. Perhaps my expectations are incorrect. What I did was create a simple table in Notepad, then, copied and pasted it into the CEditor. I can paste into both the normal view and the HTML view. Of course ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on July 9, 2004
  • .XHTML vs .Text

    Just looking for some high-level guidance or considerations on saving user input as XHTML or as Text. I'm developing a brand new ASP.NET Web application from scratch. Users will be allowed to create substantial portions of web pages - potentially making full use of most of the CuteEditor features. Any good arguments in favor of (or against) always ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on July 8, 2004
  • Get Runtime Reference To Editor Object In Nested User Control (ascx).

    I have implemented a CuteEditor (''Editor'') in a user control&nbsp;that appears within another user control which appears on an aspx page. Yes - two nested user controls within an aspx page. At runtime, the name of the Editor as rendered in the HTML in the browser is '_ctl1__ctl3_Editor1' &nbsp; Issue: On postback, I need to somehow get a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on July 7, 2004
  • Re: Width Dependent On Buttons?

    I figured it out... in case anyone reading this thread is interested in the result: &nbsp; I found that (1) setting the button template explicitly {and not using AutoConfigure}&nbsp;and (2) including G_Start and G_End in the template string to indicate logical groupings of buttons will create button groups that will ''wrap'' when necessary ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on July 1, 2004
  • Re: Width Dependent On Buttons?

    Thank you Adam, &nbsp; Can you please verify my tentative conclusion: ''Explicitly setting a custom button template (such as Template=''bold'') allows the Width property to affect the size of the entire control (and not just the text editing area).'' &nbsp; Your example works. However in my testing I found that the Width property value will ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on June 30, 2004